Thursday 5 December 2013

Striped Hyena

Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom:Animalia
  • Phylum:Chordata
  • Class:Mammalia
  • Order:Carnivora
  • Family:Hyaenidae
  • Genus:Hyaena
  • Genus species:Hyaena hyaena
Animal Characteristics
Head-Body Length:99-122 cm
Weight:30-40 kg
Identification:The striped hyena is gray or yellowish-gray in color with black stripes on its body and legs. The muzzle, throat, and neck are black. This hyena also has a long, erectile mane down its back.
Habitat:Dry savannas, bush country, semi deserts, deserts
Diet:Carnivore: carrion, young sheep and goats, small mammals, birds, lizards, snakes, insects
Reproduction:After a gestation period of 84 days, 2-4 young are born. Both parents help care for the pups. Striped hyenas can live up to 24 years old in captivity.
Social Structure:These animals are solitary except for breeding pairs during mating season.
Behavior:Striped hyenas establish their own home ranges and are nocturnal.
Status:No special status
Interesting Facts:The ability of the stripped hyena to break up and digest dry bones is undoubtedly its major peculiarity.

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